Monday, September 5, 2011


Well this week was good! I love my mission. I have decided that a mission is training for the rest of your life. I get to see soo many different people in their home element.. I get to see how they raise their families, what they love most, what they spend their time on.. how they keep their house.. what their interests are.. what and how they cook..and especially how they view and practice spirituality.
    I consider this a huge blessing because in what other situation can you just go into so many different peoples houses (strangers at first)  to just talk about the gospel, eat, just chat about family.. ect.. it is really odd I think that people just let us into their space! You really get out of your normal life comfort bubble.. I thought I loved people before my mission.. but now I love them EVEN MORE.. 
    I prayed and fasted this Sunday and asked if we could just find some new people to teach... well we did that night! We had been trying to get into this part-member families house forever... the parents were on the verge of divorce and moved into separate houses.. two weeks ago we were walking to an appointment and we saw Sister Bulski.. the mother.. and we were like.. Hey do you need anything? Can we help ya? and she says.. no unless you like cleaning.. Dan and I are moving back in together so I gotta clean the house.  Of course we were quick to jump in and help so we spent the time cleaning and talking.  So anyhow.. they were at church on Sunday and we asked if we could come that night.. they said yes. So we taught them the first lesson and it went great! Dan was catholic in his childhood but has since looked for something else.. He is reading the B.O.M now and since his wife and kids are members he said he may as well investigate. So we are so excited! The Lord answers prayers quickly sometimes.
    Well I love ya!
    Sister rachelle 

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