Well it has been a great week! I'm a tiny stressed out. Ok I'm a lot stressed out. It's nerve racking coming home soon. It's the scariest thing ever! You go through so many emotions.. and ask yourself a lot of questions.. Did I do everything I was supposed to? Am I more Christlike? Have I learned all that I needed to out here. Did I help other people come to Christ? How will I ever get back into "normal" life. I guess these are all the be expected. Life is full of change. If you aren't changing your not progressing right?
Two amazing things from this week:
1. Brett. He is the guy that works at the gas station, the one I invited to church and actually came! yeah. So we taught him the first lesson this week.. let me tell you it was absolutely amazing and spiritual. It was meant to be. So many things that have happened in his life were similar to my own experience.. I believe everyone has to be "backed against the wall of faith". We all have to come to Christ on our own paths.. and once we do sometimes we get to help other people who are trying to find that truth that only comes from the gospel. This is true with Brett. During the lesson he cried. He said "I haven't cried in years, you don't understand how much just this conversation has helped me already, I have been looking for this peace all my life". People like Brett make missions so worth it.
2. Nancy Glassco got baptized! Yes! It was so great. I gave a talk at her baptism on the Holy Ghost.. I teared up at the end because I am just so proud of her.. Also because her non member mom and 3 sisters came to the service and were on the front row intently listening. It was a powerful experience. One that I am truely grateful to God for letting me be a part of. He really knows everything. it was wonderful.
I come home in 10 days! It's nutso!
Love you
Sister Rachelle
So so happy for you! You have done so well on your mission! PS,I have a guy for you to meet when you r back to "normal" life :)