Monday, May 7, 2012

Nothing is Coincidence

Just thought you might like a tiny taste of what we sisters do all day. Just sing prmary songs.. thats all. This onw is give saiuid the little stream. It's a cute Primary CD/ ha. Can you tell we like being companions?
It's been a good week. We had transfers and I am with Sister Validieso for another 6 weeks! So that's good! Anyhow.. I don't know If I mentioned before that we cover 2 wards? Well We are at church from like 8-5 every Sunday. .. that's ALOT of church. I've never had to go to 2 wards plus two meetings every Sunday.. but It has it's benefits. You get to learn from different people.. and say alot of prayers.. people always ask us to pray. ha.
We're going to have another Sister with us for a couple days until her new companion comes here..So that will be interesting. haha I think it's awkward with 3 people. we'll make due.
 I love Helena. The Michiels kids came with us to church on Sunday. It's just us and the 4 kids.. hilarious. I feel like a mom but I seriously love it. They are the best kids ever..seriously
We have had some pretty awesome things happen this week. We ran into a less Active Brother Langdon.. who has been away for about 15-20 years.. After talking with him for a bit.. I found out he went to BYUH shortly after he joined the church in New York. I asked him wabout his missionaries.. some spiritalyu experinces he had were told.. I could see the spirit reminding him of the truth.. It was amazing. I asked him alot about BYUH and we actually had one of the same teachers who is still there! Long story short.. I don't think meeting him was by chance. There was just too much for us to talk about. I asked him to come back to church. I said the Lords needs you Brother Langdon.. your a great guy. He said.. it feels a little like I'm going to relay this situation over the pulpit someday.. I said nope you for SURE will. It was so awesome. I love being a missionary. I love being Bolod for Christ. I've learned so much out here. I know that everyone I meet .. it's not just a coincidence they are in my patyh. It's up to me to do something about it. What a priveledge it is to be here. So humbling.. and motivating. I love the Gospel. It's sooo true. no matter where you are.. how far you've gone. the gospel, the atonement of Jesus Christ can heal you. It has cleansed me from the inside out. I;ve nevver been happier. Love Ya'll Sis Davidson

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